FCRB Volunteer Application Help FCRB VOLUNTEER APPLICATION Personal InformationFirst Name*Middle NameLast Name*Email Address AddressStreetCityStateZip CodePhonesHome PhoneMobile PhoneWork PhoneMay we contact you on your Mobile Number? Yes No Do you have minor children? Yes No Employment InformationEmployment Status Employed Unemployed Self Employed Student Retired Veteran Name of EmployerEmployer PhoneMay we contact your employer? Yes No Employer's AddressCityStateZipCurrent Occupation/Job TitleHow long in this field?Have you discussed your volunteer services with your employer? Yes No EducationHigh School: Highest Grade Completed 9 10 11 12 College: Years Completed 1 2 3 4+ Degree or Field of StudyInterests and ActivitiesPlease list and describe previous volunteer work.Please list your interest, hobbies, and skills.Please list activities and/or professional experience in the community that demonstrate your interest in children.Have you had any previous involvement with Davidson County Juvenile Court? (Examples: parent, stepparent, custodian, victim, or respondent) Yes No If yes, please explain:Do you, or a family member, currently have a pending matter with Davidson County Juvenile Court or with the Department of Children’s Services? Yes No If yes, please explain:Are you a Foster Parent? Yes No Are you an Adoptive Parent? Yes No Are you an Adoptive Parent? Yes No Are you a former Foster Child? Yes No Are you employed by DCS or a Contract Agency? Yes No Have you lived in any other state? Yes No If you have lived in other states, please list.AvailabilityCan you devote a minimum of four to six hours per month? Yes No Will you attend any mandatory training sessions? Yes No If needed, can you devote your volunteer services during the day?What days/hours of the week are best for you?FCRB volunteer commitment is a two year term. Do you anticipate any issues that would prevent you from making that commitment?How did you learn of our FCRB program? Newspaper School Radio Station TV News Friend/ Associate FCRB Member Information Center Website Other We have several specialized boards - please check those of most interest to you: Adoption Adolescent Baby Juvenile Justice Youth Development Center Extenstion of Foster Care Any ReferencesPlease list three references (one relative, one friend, and one work related).1. NamePhoneOccupationAddress2. NamePhoneOccupationAddress3. NamePhoneOccupationAddressUpload Resume or Cover LetterUpload Resume and/or Cover Letter Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 1 GB. Allowed file types include PDF and Word Documents.AcknowledgementI certify the information provided on this application is complete and true.* Yes I understand my references will be contacted and a background check will be processed.* Yes I understand Davidson County Juvenile Court is not obligated to assign me if, in the Court’s professional judgment, it would not be in the best interest of those served by the Court.* Yes NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. × Questions? Questions regarding the Foster Care Review Board or this application may be directed to: Email: robertedwards@jisnashville.gov. Mailing Address Juvenile Justice Center 100 Woodland Street PO Box 196306 Nashville, TN 37219-6306 Fax: 615-880-2371