Juvenile Court Parentage Team
Our three Parentage Courts are federally funded by Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. Upon establishment of parentage, the court will issue an order for parentage which includes the following: Establishment of paternity and parenting responsibilities, current child support and retroactive support, assurance of medical insurance, birth expenses, visitation schedule, name change (under certain circumstances), and provisions for custody. The Parentage Team also hears modification or enforcement of payment on child support and assurance of medical insurance, visitation, and custody. Child Support Services provides DNA testing and legal services to both custodial and non-custodial parents.
My Child Could Use a Mentor
- Be About Change
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Epic Girl
- FIND Design
- Impact Youth Outreach
- Oasis Center
My Child is Acting Out at Home and/or School
- Camelot Prevention Services
- Centerstone
- LifeCare Family Services
- Mental Health Cooperative
- Tennessee Voices for Children
- Youth Villages
I Believe My Child May be Using Alcohol or Drugs
I Believe My Child is Suffering from Depression, Anxiety, or Hyperactivity
- Mental Health Cooperative
- Centerstone
- Camelot Prevention Services
- LifeCare Family Services
- Alive Hospice, Grief Support Services
How do I get My Child Educational Support?
I Need Dispute Resolution Assistance
My Family Needs Housing and/or Utility Assistance
- Habitat for Humanity
- Metro Action Commission
- Metropolitan Developmental & Housing Agency
- Metropolitan Social Services
- Urban Housing Solutions
- Ladies of Charity
- NeedLink Nashville
- Salvation Army
Emergency Food Assistance
Information for Immigrants and Refugees
- Catholic Charities
- NICE (Nashville International center for Empowerment)
- Hispanic family Foundation
- Tennessee Immigrant & refugee Rights Coalition
- Casa Azafran
I Could use a Parent Mentor or Support
- Family and Children Services Crisis Line
- MADD (Mothers against Drunk Driving)
- Metro Nashville Police Youth Services
- hNami – National Alliance of Mental Illness
- Tennessee Voices for Children
- The Family Center